Cooperation Agreement between Vertex and Ufal encourages innovation in Alagoas
Strategic alliance between the ICT linked to Edge expands the availability of knowledge in the local entrepreneurship ecosystem

Vertex, a private Institute of Science and Technology (ICT) of the Edge Innovation Center, signed a Technical-Scientific Cooperation Agreement with the Federal University of Alagoas (Ufal) to carry out joint activities in the areas of Extension, Research, Development and Innovation.
The agreement provides that Vertex and Ufal may develop actions in partnership, with the purpose of prospecting and carrying out activities in projects made possible through resources from the Computer Law (Federal Law No. 8,248/1991), the Good Law (Federal Law No. 11,196/2005), the Oil Law (Federal Law No. 9,478/1997), in addition to other national and international funding sources, enhancing the scope of the ecosystem and digital transformation in Alagoas, with the attraction of new opportunities in a much more agile and competitive way.
The partnership should also promote the incubation and acceleration of startups, enable business and strategic alliances to increase the competitiveness of companies, expand and strengthen institutional capacity, and increase the availability and training of qualified human resources with greater technical and scientific training.
The projects to be carried out must be implemented through partnership agreements, contracts, agreements or legal instruments, accompanied by the respective Work Plans, Resource Utilization Plan or other relevant documentation. The signing of the agreement expands the possibilities of action of the Vertex Institute, and provides the Federal University of Alagoas with new possibilities for the expansion of knowledge in the academic environment.
Cooperation Agreement between Vertex and Ufal encourages innovation in Alagoas
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