_About Us
Referência em inovação e transformação digital
Criado em 2015 no Instituto de Computação da Universidade Federal de Alagoas, realizamos projetos com alto grau de inovação, em parceria com diversas empresas, nos tornando referência em pesquisa, desenvolvimento e inovação em projetos de software e hardware para indústria.
Reference in innovation and digital transformation
Created in 2015 at the Computing Institute of the Federal University of Alagoas, we carry out projects with a high degree of innovation, in partnership with several companies, becoming a reference in research, development and innovation in software and hardware projects for industry.

We deliver results and drive people towards innovation

Innovating to transform
Interact with the production sector and contribute to technological development
of the country and innovation in companies.

- Ethics and honesty
- Commitment and dedication to carrying out activities
- Attendance and punctuality in commitments assumed
- Proactivity in relation to content, activities and projects
- Excellence and performance in results
Create a national benchmark in the execution of Research, Development and Innovation (RD&I) projects.
Space for innovation and growth
We have spaces designed to develop innovative solutions that shape the future. Our multidisciplinary team, equipped laboratories and strategic partnerships allow us to create personalized and effective solutions for the most complex challenges

IC – Federal University of Alagoas

Jaraguá Innovation Center

Centenário Office