Technology and Occupational Safety: solutions reduce risks and transform the sector
Innovations benefit the segment, increasing the efficiency and productivity of companies and ensuring compliance with occupational safety regulations Occupational Safety is a critical aspect in any occupational environment, especially in a manufacturing unit. In this [...]
Ufal students develop application for Work Safety
"PPE Detection" seeks to identify flaws and bring more [...]
Students from the Ufal Computer Institute develop a solution to help with physical activities
Students who are part of the Edge Academy project [...]
Edge Innovation Center Scholars Win ‘Innovation Marathon: Games’
With the entertainment game ‘Kekokada’, students from the Institute of [...]
Chinese oil and gas company learns about the Edge Innovation Center
Meeting with CNOOC International, China's largest offshore crude oil and [...]
Edge researcher app wins award aimed at startups
With a combination of advanced technologies, the 'See U App' [...]
Cooperation Agreement between Vertex and Ufal encourages innovation in Alagoas
Strategic alliance between the ICT linked to Edge expands [...]